My image of AFL Colt Jake Toohey has been selected as a finalist in the NPPP 2014 Prize. The image was part of The Last Season short project I shot in August. Here is an excerpt from the prize essay by Sarah Engledow.
"Inevitably, upon turning to Nikki Toole's photograph of Jake Toohey, the first thing we notice is Toohey's whole, precious legs – so much whiter than the pale flesh-coloured strapping on his knee that his calves appear to have been powdered. Toohey is playing in his final under-19 AFL season; he may, in fact, be a ferocious participant in a hectic game, but in Toole's photograph – characteristic of her oeuvre – the beautiful youth looks whacked already." Excerpt from the Everybody, look serious Exhibition essay | NPPP judge and Sarah Engledow's thoughts on the exhibition.

Everybody, look serious Exhibition essay | Sarah Engledow's thoughts on the exhibition.