

June 26th, 2018


2015 :

“All people deserve to live with dignity and respect, free from fear and violence, and protected against discrimination, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation,” Obama’s June 2015 proclamation read. “During Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, we celebrate the proud legacy LGBT individuals have woven into the fabric of our Nation, we honor those who have fought to perfect our Union, and we continue our work to build a society where every child grows up knowing that their country supports them, is proud of them, and has a place for them exactly as they are.”

2018 :

Trump fails to acknowledge Pride Month for the second year running. The words ‘transgender’ and ‘diversity are to be omitted from all future White House documents. Chad Griffin, president of national LGBTQ advocacy group Human Rights Campaign said, "Trump and Pence are obsessed with erasing us. But we will not be erased”.

2019 :

Pride is 50. World Pride will be a celebration of the staggering achievements of the LGBTQ community since the riots at Stonewall Inn on June 28th 1969. Running around in the sweltering heatwave of NYC Pride 2018, talking to and photographing young Americans the joy was infectious. They talked of keeping up the fight for change and of celebrating Pride in a safe space and with a sense of unity. There were proud supportive parents, shy teenagers attending Pride alone for the very first time and groups of friends who embraced everyone with acceptance and love. “If only every day could be Pride’, said one. “I think this would be one of the happiest places on earth”.


Happy Pride was called out on every corner of every street in downtown New York. One of the hottest days of the summer didn't deter the heaving crowds lined up to see the parade, as every wonderful representation of the LGBTQ community filtered past celebrating something monumental that was so hard fought for 50 years ago. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Stonewall and the start of a journey that faces a new enemy today.

Its hard to explain the pure joy and welcoming atmosphere of Pride in New York. A city often known for its hard edged persona was a warm fuzzy rainbow blanket of comfort for those who needed it. As I moved around the city, stopping only to catch up with friends and replenish my fluids, it was almost 40 degrees after all, beauty after beauty paused to stand still for me, while crowds swirled around them. I shot 3 images and moved along. The confidence, nervousness and excitement of being able to truly relax and be themselves shone out of these kids... and I loved them for it.
