After an amazing week in Venice... which lived up to all of my expectations and more we arrived in Rome. After the car free streets of Venice, Rome was crazy, but we loved it. Of course we had to take in the Forum, the Trevi Fountain and the Basilica, but after a few days of relentless sightseeing and gelato it was time to shoot a few skaters.
We travelled by bus and train to Ostia on the coast, just outside of the city. The Spot Skatepark sits in the middle of high rise apartments and was obviously the place to go for the local kids. The owners had rebuilt the skatepark after a fire and now it was a great addition to the community. When we arrived there were a few kids and 3 adults, but after a phone call to some of the local parents we had a line of 20 boys waiting to have their picture taken. The only sun free area in the park was a small corner covered with graffiti in the shade. The boys were fantastic, not only did they wait calmly but they were so sweet to each other. Andy made sure emails were taken to send them their digital copy of the image and model releases were signed by the adults present. After many bravos and grazis the shoot was over. It is such a wonderful memory to have met so many well behaved kids at one park.