

Oct 12, 2010


Prague, Prague, Prague... what can we say, you amazed us. We didn't expect this city to be so beautiful and such a great place to eat and drink. I have to say, much Staropramen was consumed in basement beer halls while eating goulash with dumplings. It was heaven. Although Venice was no.1 on my list of unforgetable destinations on this Europeon tour, Prague came in a close second. The downside.. The only Czech I knew was 'Ahoy', but we muddled through.

The Czech skate championships were on while we were in town and we arranged to meet Tomas Vintr one of the top Czech skaters at the event. The Mystic Skatepark on Štvanice Island in the centre of Prague was packed with spectators and we found a quiet corner near the event to set up. I dont use any other lighting than natural daylight and a silver reflector, so we hoped the overcast skies would last. We had to shoot while the event was on and Tomas very kindly explained to the skaters what the project was about and what they had to do. The skaters would take their turn in the event and run over with their boards to where I was set up and ready. They would get into their zone, I shot 5 shots or less and they were off. I managed to get some really interesting shots this way as they were fresh from skating and found it easy to place themselves in the desired headspace. They were such a great group of boys and the park had yet another great entertainment space. After hanging out for a while we had to get back as we were leaving for Rome the next day. With much regret we left the boys to enjoy the all night party at the park and headed to Italy.