Even though we touched down to a rainy Berlin with runny noses, we were eager to get out and explore the city. Our hotel in Friedrichshain in the east of the city was close enough to the Skatehalle to walk there. We loved the area as it reminded us of a German Fitzroy, just enogh grunge to make it interesting, but alot more history. We arranged to meet up with Iwo and her friends at the Skatehalle the next day and shoot the girls. We couldn't have asked for a funnier group of girls as we hung out in the skatepark's beer garden... yes there are fantastic beer gardens in the skatepark when you get to Europe.
After a few days exploring the city we went back on our last day and arranged to shoot a few more skaters who had heard about the project. The work would feature as part of the Suck My Trucks exhibitions later that year.